What to do for an Auto Claim

Do you know what to do in the case of an accident? Watch as Eric Moffitt explains exactly what you need to know when an accident occurs.Posted by MHJ Insurance on Thursday, June 27, 2019 In the state of Missouri auto owners are required to have insurance on their...

Flood Insurance

“Floods are the #1 natural disaster in the United States” - Don MetzWatch this video to find out more about flood insurance and why it may be more important that you think. For more details or to see how we can help you, call 573-785-3138.Posted by MHJ Insurance on...

Local vs Direct

“Auto, Home, and Business Insurance come with a lot of options, and the choices you need to make can sometimes be confusing.”Watch as one of our members explains how having a local insurance agent can make the complicated world of insurance easier to navigate.Posted...

Cyber Insurance

“Most small businesses don’t realize, that 55% of all small businesses in the US have experienced a data breach.”If you aren’t sure how your insurance could protect your business from a cyber attack, watch this video to see how we could protect you.Posted by MHJ...

Mary’s Millennial Memo 2: Wedding Insurance

Mary’s Millennial Memo 2: Wedding Insurance Wedding season is here again! Millennials are at that time in our life when they are discovering true love’s bliss. Many couples across our region are embarking on exciting new changes as they prepare for their future...